10th Claims Congress hosted by BusinessForum21 in Cologne

The insurance industry talks a lot about Digitalization and BigData but does it do anything in its self-confidence and complacency? They stay true to the motto, “nobody can harm us anyway.”

Last spring one could have had this impression, but the congress on the issue of “active claims management“ on November 8th and 9th conveyed a different picture. Something is changing. The industry is starting to rethink their conventional wisdoms. Not only are newcomers beginning to reinvent their business processes but market leaders are also taking part.
To sum it up:  In the past, a claim was said to be the “Moment of Truth” in insurance. Today it has moved into the center of customer loyalty. It became a central part of the frequently quoted “Customer Journey,” in which the customer’s paths separate. Satisfaction and the resulting customer loyalty is not only a question of receiving the promised service, but is also reliant on the focus of the customer’s needs in the instance of a stressful situation caused by a claim.

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